Success Story
Since inception in 2003, Sinethemba’s aim has always been to reintegrate school drop outs back into mainstream schools.
In October 2017 we enrolled these two siblings at the Drop In Center in Khayalethu. In January this year we tried to get them back into school, but they didn’t have any transfer papers. Having to go back and forth to the Education Department and the School, we managed to register them at Thembelitsha Primary School in Concordia on Tuesday, 31 August.
We want to thank the Principal of Thembelitsha Primary School, Mr. Lukwe, for his support in getting them back into school.
Both their parents are deceased. They lived in the Eastern Cape, hence they were placed in the care of their grandparents in Knysna.
The grandparents who are both pensioners were unable to buy school uniforms and Sinethemba had to fund the uniforms and school bags costing the Organisation R1560.
Should you be able to financial support our BACK2SCHOOL project, please contact us on 0443750303 or 0720556917.
Email address: or visit our website,, for more updates.
1. School Holiday Programs:
Through fun, recreational and sport activities ,Sinethemba offers a variety of school holiday events throughout the year. The aim of these events are to keep children off the streets and equipping them with valuable life skills such as dealing with conflict, enhance communication skills as well as development of talents. It is for age groups 7 – 18 years
2. Children are taught teamwork and communication skills.
3. Sinethemba has dedicated staff who are specialists in their field of expertise. They add immense value to the mission of the Organisation. Sinethemba has dedicated and specialised volunteers who adds to the success of the Organisations. Long term volunteers must be screened and cleared against the Child Protection Register.VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:
– Social Workers
– fundraisers
– teachers
– Skills trainers e.g. welding, sewing, cooking
– life and social skills
– Sport
Teach children and youth at risk to read and write
Help with job preparation
Assist with the Vehicle fundraising Project
Assist with the school holiday and community awareness events
Activities include:
Educational program
Sport coaching
Coaching in Arts, music, dance, drama to stimulate the children
We welcome foreign volunteers but only for a minimum of one month.
All volunteers must be over 18 years of age.
They must provide Certified copy of their passport as well as a Police clearance from their
4. Anti-bullying Program
5. Marimba Band